Home › Truck stop in Virginia › 2 Top 24 Truck stop in Virginia Find best Truck stop in Virginia, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. Big Charlie's Truck Plaza US, Virginia Beach, VA 234555792 Northampton Blvd Love’s Travel Stop - Toms Brook (VA 22660) US, Toms Brook, VA 226601015 Mt Olive Rd Love’s Travel Stop - Meadowview (VA 24361) US, Meadowview, VA 2436113365 Glenbrook Ave Love’s Travel Stop - Staunton (VA 24401) US, Staunton, VA 244013499 Lee Jackson Hwy Pilot Travel Center - Staunton (VA 24401) US, Staunton, VA 244013541 Lee Jackson Hwy TA Travel Center - Wytheville (VA 24382) US, Wytheville, VA 243821025 Peppers Ferry Rd Petro Dealer--White's Travel Center US, Raphine, VA 244722440 Raphine Rd Pilot Travel Center - Wytheville (VA 24382) US, Wytheville, VA 243821318 E Lee Hwy TA Travel Center - Ashland (VA 23005) US, Ashland, VA 23005100 N Carter Rd Lee-Hi Travel Center US, Lexington, VA 244502516 N Lee Hwy Love's Travel Stop - Skippers US, Skippers, VA 23879770 Moore's Ferry Rd Love's Travel Stop - Lambsburg US, Lambsburg, VA 24351227 Old Pipers Gap Rd 12