Home › Top 24 Truck dealer in North Carolina Find best Truck dealer in North Carolina, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. MHC Kenworth - Clinton US, Clinton, NC 283281103 US-421 Velocity Truck Centers - Hickory US, Connelly Springs, NC 286123682 Curleys Fish Camp Rd B White’s International Trucks - Mt Airy (NC 27030) US, Mt Airy, NC 27030199 Oak Grove Church Rd White’s International Trucks - Wilson (NC 27893) US, Wilson, NC 278931700 US-301 Velocity Truck Centers - Warsaw US, Warsaw, NC 283981489 US Hwy 117 S, I-40 Exit# 369 VT Hackney Inc US, Washington, NC 27889911 W 5th St Salem Nationalease US, Winston-Salem, NC 271053827 N Patterson Ave Gates Truck & Auto Center US, Franklin, NC 28734774 E Main St Excel Truck Group - Charlotte US, Charlotte, NC 282694633 Equipment Dr Vanguard Truck Center - Greensboro US, Greensboro, NC 274097940 National Service Rd Velocity Truck Centers - Greensboro US, Greensboro, NC 274096420 Burnt Poplar Rd MHC Kenworth - Wilmington US, Wilmington, NC 28401200 Sutton Steam Plant Rd Brookbank Auto Exchange - Summerfield (NC 27358) US, Summerfield, NC 273586329 US-158 TranSource Truck & Trailer Centers US, Colfax, NC 272358700 Triad Dr MHC Kenworth - Rocky Mount US, Battleboro, NC 278097418 NC-4 White’s International Trucks - Greensboro (NC 27409) US, Greensboro, NC 274097045 Albert Pick Rd Allied Truck & Trailer Sales, Inc. US, Madison, NC 270252804 US-220 Dick Kelly Truck Sales US, Winston-Salem, NC 271052801 N Liberty St MHC Kenworth - Durham US, Durham, NC 277043600 Interworth Velocity Truck Centers - Greenville US, Ayden, NC 285133890 Jolly Rd Ken Wilson Sterling Truck Center US, Canton, NC 28716769 Champion Dr Triple-T Parts & Equipment Company, Inc. US, Warsaw, NC 283981489 US Hwy 117 S, I-40 Exit# 369 McMahon Truck Centers Charlotte US, Charlotte, NC 282693609 Trailer Dr Velocity Truck Centers - Asheville US, Canton, NC 28716750 Champion Dr 12