Home › Top 8 Local Business in Port Henry, New York Find best Port Henry, New York, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. Safe Haven Nutrition US, Port Henry, NY 129744316 Main St Restaurants CITGO - Port Henry (NY 12974) US, Port Henry, NY 129744096 State Hwy 9N Gas Stations Exxon - Port Henry (NY 12974) US, Port Henry, NY 129744270 Main St Gas Stations Moriah Martial Arts Center US, Port Henry, NY 129744109 S Main St Fitness and Gym Adirondack Mountain Properties | Leah Burke, Real Estate... US, Port Henry, NY 12974278 Lakeview Ave Real Estate Stewart’s Shops - Port Henry (NY 12974) US, Port Henry, NY 129744300 S Main St Gas Stations Mike's Auto Detailing US, Port Henry, NY 129744113 S Main St Car Wash Lee House Apartments US, Port Henry, NY 12974S Main St Apartment complex