Home › Hair salon in Portland, Oregon › 2 Top 24 Hair salon in Portland, Oregon Find best Hair salon in Portland, Oregon, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. Dosha Salon Spa 5th Avenue US, Portland, OR 97204500 SW Washington St Pure Salon Spa - Portland (OR 97227) US, Portland, OR 972274000 N Mississippi Ave Sit Still Kid's Salon - Bethany US, Portland, OR 972294768 Northwest Bethany Boulevard #C-3 Ginger & Maude - Slabtown US, Portland, OR 972091552 NW 19th Ave Great Clips - Portland (OR 97266) US, Portland, OR 972664124 SE 82nd Ave Ste 900 Oranj Studio US, Portland, OR 97239726 S Gaines St Strange Powers US, Portland, OR 972122701 NE 7th Ave Chameleon Salon - Portland (OR 97202) US, Portland, OR 972028071 SE 13th Ave Ginger & Maude - Foster-Powell US, Portland, OR 972066313 SE Holgate Blvd Romeo US, Portland, OR 972115229 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Suite 101 Julia Howell Hair Design US, Portland, OR 972321107 NE 9th Ave Suite 105 Ginger & Maude - Multnomah Village US, Portland, OR 972197657 SW Capitol Hwy Lovesong Salon US, Portland, OR 972322117 NE Oregon St Suite 503 Honeymoon Salon US, Portland, OR 972143018 E Burnside St Edward Wadsworth For Hair US, Portland, OR 972258650 SW Canyon Rd Defining Image Salon US, Portland, OR 972134811 NE Fremont St Salon 202 US, Portland, OR 972026647 SE Milwaukie Ave b101 Great Clips - Portland (OR 97216) US, Portland, OR 9721610090 SE Washington St Ste 115 Sweetheart Salon US, Portland, OR 972021100 SE Division St #130 Chameleon Salon US, Portland, OR 972173216 N Lombard St Ginger Salon Northeast US, Portland, OR 972121319 NE Fremont St Supercuts - Portland (OR 97229) US, Portland, OR 97229230 NW Lost Springs Terrace #20 Âme Salon US, Portland, OR 972192705 SE Ash St Ste 3 Enjoy Co. Hair Studio | Portland, OR US, Portland, OR 97232167 NE Grand Ave 123