Home › Top 14 Hair salon in New Haven, Connecticut Find best Hair salon in New Haven, Connecticut, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. Phil's Hair and Spa US, New Haven, CT 0651071 Audubon St Sharp Ones Barbershop US, New Haven, CT 06513252 Grand Ave African Hair Braiding US, New Haven, CT 0651938 Kimberly Ave Moyee professional African hair braiding & weaving US, New Haven, CT 06511785 Dixwell Ave Soho Hair Group DaySpa US, New Haven, CT 06515916 Whalley Ave Pio of Italy Hair Salon US, New Haven, CT 065151118 Whalley Ave Shiana Hair US, New Haven, CT 065101020 Chapel St REBEL HAIR SALON US, New Haven, CT 06511285 Nicoll St The Curly Hair Salon US, New Haven, CT 06513134 Grand Ave Capture Salon US, New Haven, CT 06510100 Crown St Shiny Salon US, New Haven, CT 0651077 Whitney Ave The Hive Hair Studio US, New Haven, CT 06511153 Nicoll St Jo Bruno Hair US, New Haven, CT 065121 Whitney Ave Skull & Combs Co. New Haven US, New Haven, CT 06511832 State St