Home › Top 24 Cleaning Services in North Carolina Find best Cleaning Services in North Carolina, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. Maid Brigade of the Triad US, Kernersville, NC 27284495 Arbor Hill Rd Suite P The Cleaning Authority - Matthews US, Matthews, NC 281053519 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd Andreia’s Brazilian House Cleaning US, Holly Springs, NC 27540104 Peakhill Rd Cleaning with a Meaning LLC US, Asheboro, NC 272031027 Snowdon Ct Merry Maids of Greensboro US, Kernersville, NC 272841405 North Carolina Hwy 66 S Home Clean Heroes of South Charlotte US, Matthews, NC 28105624 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd Suite 31 Merry Maids of Greenville US, Greenville, NC 278582745C E 10th St The Cleaning Authority - Greensboro US, Greensboro, NC 27407308 Pomona Dr Suite G MaidPro of Greensboro US, Greensboro, NC 274105509 W Friendly Ave Suite 103 MaidPro South Charlotte US, Indian Trail, NC 280791503 Waxhaw Indian Trail Rd Suite B Enviro-Master of Greensboro US, Kernersville, NC 272841323 S Park Dr Emily's Elves US, Hayesville, NC 28904714 NC-69 Two Maids & A Mop - Greensboro (NC 27410) US, Greensboro, NC 274107349 W Friendly Ave TCE Cleaning US, Greensboro, NC 274082828 Battleground Ave C MaidPro of Asheville US, Asheville, NC 2880485 Weaverville Rd Suite 5 Carolina Cleaning Services US, Wilmington, NC 28405311 Judges Rd Suite 2I Green Home Cleaning US, Asheville, NC 28801306 W Haywood St Nice & Fresh Cleaners US, Asheville, NC 288068 Riverview Dr The Cleaning Authority - Raleigh-Durham US, Morrisville, NC 275602700 Gateway Centre Blvd STE 750 You've Got Maids of Asheville US, Arden, NC 287047 Glenn Bridge Rd Ste D Molly Maid of Greensboro and High Point US, Greensboro, NC 274051601-H E Bessemer Ave Top to Bottom House Cleaning US, Wilmington, NC 284056317 Market St Triad Cleaning Crew US, Winston-Salem, NC 271062802 Fairlawn Dr Suite A Molly Maid of Asheville and Hendersonville US, Arden, NC 2870412 Glenn Willow Dr Suite 43 12345