Home › Top 24 Bookstores in Portland, Oregon Find best Bookstores in Portland, Oregon, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. Green Bean Books US, Portland, OR 972111600 NE Alberta St Aria Bookmarks US, Portland, OR 97209122 NW Couch St Golden Key Metaphysical Bookstore US, Portland, OR 972154525 SE Stark St ADLE International US, Portland, OR 97204818 SW 3rd Ave #284 Hi Books US, Portland, OR 972051211 SW Broadway Mother Foucault's Bookshop US, Portland, OR 97214523 SE Morrison St The Dougy Center Bookstore US, Portland, OR 972063909 SE 52nd Ave Joshua Books Store US, Portland, OR 972190615 SW Palatine Hill Rd Persida US, Portland, OR 9726611051 SE Division St Portland State University Bookstore US, Portland, OR 972011715 SW 5th Ave Word Virus Books US, Portland, OR 972064704 SE 65th Ave Bulk Bookstore - Portland (OR 97223) US, Portland, OR 972231 Lincoln Center, 10300 SW Greenburg Rd #430 Arches Bookhouse US, Portland, OR 972038900 N Wall Ave Lewis & Clark College Bookstore US, Portland, OR 97219Templeton Student Center, 615 SW Palatine Hill Rd Burnside Rare Books US, Portland, OR 972022505 SE 11th Ave #326 PCC Bookstore US, Portland, OR 9721912000 SW 49th Ave Belmont Books - Portland (OR 97214) US, Portland, OR 972143415 SE Belmont St University of Portland Bookstore US, Portland, OR 972035000 N Willamette Blvd Backstory Books & Yarn US, Portland, OR 972143129 SE Hawthorne Blvd Two Rivers Bookstore US, Portland, OR 972038836 N Lombard St Broadway Books US, Portland, OR 972321714 NE Broadway Annie Bloom's Books US, Portland, OR 972197834 SW Capitol Hwy Kinokuniya Portland US, Portland, OR 97205829 SW 9th Ave. Powell's Books on Hawthorne US, Portland, OR 972143723 SE Hawthorne Blvd 12