Home › Top 12 Blacksmith in Maine Find best Blacksmith in Maine, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. Tutto Metal Design US, Thomaston, ME 0486150 Fluker St Robert Breeden Fine Ironwork US, Sullivan, ME 0466420 Willow Brook Ln Scott Hickey Farrier US, West Gardiner, ME 04345319 Collins Mills Rd Serenity Forge US, Easton, ME 04740375 Houlton Rd The Ball and Chain Forge US, Portland, ME 0410356 Warren Ave #106 Handwrought Tools and Forge US, Deer Isle, ME 0462729 Old Ferry Rd Scottish Lion Wrought Iron - Round Pond (ME 04564) US, Round Pond, ME 045641486 ME-32 Standfast Works Forge US, Parsonsfield, ME 040476155 Collins Rd Unity Forge US, Unity, ME 04988222 Bangor Rd Wicks Forge US, Pownal, ME 04069213 Sweetser Rd Scottish Lion Wrought Iron US, Bristol, ME 04539587 Bristol Rd Maine Blacksmith’s Guild- Sokokis Forge US, East Waterboro, ME 040306 Old Alfred Rd