Home › Auto Repair & Service in Portland, Oregon › 4 Top 24 Auto Repair & Service in Portland, Oregon Find best Auto Repair & Service in Portland, Oregon, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. Erick's Autotech US, Portland, OR 97233407 SE 162nd Ave Bradshaws Auto Repair US, Portland, OR 972141025 SE Hawthorne Blvd Steve's Imports US, Portland, OR 972667273 SE 92nd Ave H K Motor Sports Inc US, Portland, OR 97233823 SE 202nd Ave AQ Automotive / Affordable Quality Automotive US, Portland, OR 9723319919 E Burnside St Trafton's Foreign Auto US, Portland, OR 9723315570 SE Stark St Atomic Auto Hybrid Repair US, Portland, OR 97220610 NE 102nd Ave AG Automotive US, Portland, OR 9723012410 NE Whitaker Way 1234