Home › Auto Repair & Service in Hayward, California › 2 Top 24 Auto Repair & Service in Hayward, California Find best Auto Repair & Service in Hayward, California, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. Ace Auto Care - Hayward (CA 94541) US, Hayward, CA 9454121135 Mission Blvd GBR Auto Repair US, Hayward, CA 9454425417 Mission Blvd A&H Auto Repairs US, Hayward, CA 9454521590 Cloud Way Omega 1 Auto Center LLC US, Hayward, CA 9454524603 Industrial Blvd 679 Automotive US, Hayward, CA 9454524776 Magnolia St Autowise Automotive US, Hayward, CA 9454431845 Hayman St Guaranteed Auto Service US, Hayward, CA 9454523673 Connecticut St #1 Greg's Automotive Service US, Hayward, CA 945451812 National Ave Bo's Imports US, Hayward, CA 9454528184 Industrial Blvd 12