Home › Auto Parts in Birmingham, Alabama › 2 Top 24 Auto Parts in Birmingham, Alabama Find best Auto Parts in Birmingham, Alabama, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. AutoZone Auto Parts - Birmingham (AL 35215) US, Birmingham, AL 352152032 Center Point Pkwy NAPA Auto Parts - Genuine Parts Company - Birmingham 2 US, Birmingham, AL 35209321 Valley Ave NAPA Auto Parts BIR007 - Birmingham 1 US, Birmingham, AL 352425465 US-280 O'Reilly Auto Parts - Birmingham 1 US, Birmingham, AL 35235260 Gadsden Hwy O'Reilly Auto Parts - Birmingham US, Birmingham, AL 35204830 3rd Ave W AutoZone Auto Parts - Birmingham US, Birmingham, AL 35209100B Green Springs Hwy NAPA Auto Parts - Genuine Parts Company - Birmingham US, Birmingham, AL 35222701 39th St N The Parts House - Birmingham US, Birmingham, AL 352332625 4th Ave S 12