Home › Ambulance Services in California › 13 Top 24 Ambulance Services in California Find best Ambulance Services in California, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. Ambulife Ambulance, Inc. US, Van Nuys, CA 914056644 Van Nuys Blvd suite b Cal-Med Ambulance Service US, South El Monte, CA 917331557 Santa Anita Ave Care Ambulance - Whittier US, Whittier, CA 9060612508 Lambert Rd Royal Ambulance US, San Jose, CA 951121191 N 5th St Southern California Ambulance US, Los Angeles, CA 900325363 Alhambra Ave Premier Ambulance US, Brea, CA 92821260 N Palm St #200 California Ambulance Association US, Sacramento, CA 958332520 Venture Oaks Way #150 Medic Ambulance Services - Sacramento US, Sacramento, CA 958152349 Lexington St AlphaOne Ambulance Medical Services, Inc. US, Sacramento, CA 9582710461 Old Placerville Rd #110 CALSTAR - Headquarters - McClellan Park US, McClellan Park, CA 956524933 Bailey Loop Sacramento Valley Ambulance Inc US, Sacramento, CA 958226220 Belleau Wood Ln #4 Calstar Air Ambulance - Concord US, Concord, CA 945205005 Marsh Dr Doctor's Ambulance Service - Laguna Hills US, Laguna Hills, CA 9265323091 Terra Dr Sierra Nevada Ambulance Service US, Grass Valley, CA 95945110 Spring Hill Dr Phi Air Medical US, Redding, CA 960025900 Old Oregon Trail « First910111213