Home › Top 9 Accounting & Bookkeeping in Newark, Delaware Find best Accounting & Bookkeeping in Newark, Delaware, with all necessary contact information, including addresses, phone numbers, working hours, map locations, and website links. Encompass Accounting US, Newark, DE 19711523 Capitol Trail LDM Accounting Services, LLC US, Newark, DE 197021854 Dixie Line Rd Ross W Burnam CPA PA US, Newark, DE 19711625 Barksdale Rd #107 Cornerstone, CPA - Newark US, Newark, DE 19711273 E Main St DuVilla and Company, LLC US, Newark, DE 19702100 Biddle Ave #120 Skinner George H CPA US, Newark, DE 197113303 Polly Drummond Hill Rd H&R Block - Newark US, Newark, DE 19702860 Peoples Plaza Dingle & Kane PA US, Newark, DE 19711356 E Main St Santora CPA Group US, Newark, DE 19713220 Continental Dr # 112