About the Business

We know you want to feel safe.

We know you want to feel like you're in control of your home and business, and we're here to help you gain that control.

At Wholesale Pro Spy, our mission is to empower people with the tools they need to stay safe—whether they're at home or on the go. From hidden cameras that can help keep an eye on your kids when they're at school or out with friends to countermeasures that can help protect your private information from hackers and identity thieves, we've got everything you need to ensure that your family and your possessions are protected.

Our products are available worldwide through our international distributors. We also offer wholesale surveillance products for those who want to set up their own security systems—and if you're looking for a more personal touch, we have a specialized team of experts ready to assist you with anything from computer & phone monitoring to specialized detection defeaters.

So why not browse our selection of spy products today and get the peace of mind you've been looking for? You'll be glad you did!