About the Business

Slammers Training Academy: Empowering Your Fitness Journey in Libertyville

Welcome to Slammers Training Academy, located at 28427 Ballard Dr, Libertyville, IL 60048. We are a state-of-the-art fitness and gym center, catering to a diverse group of fitness enthusiasts. Whether you're looking for an upper body workout, specialized gym weights, a dedicated fitness room, or a targeted workout for abs, we have it all. Reach out to us at +1-847-816-6572 for more information or to join our community.

About Slammers Training Academy

At Slammers Training Academy, we believe in providing an environment that fosters physical fitness and well-being for all. Our gym is equipped with the latest fitness equipment and provides a variety of workout options to suit your individual needs. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned athlete, our academy offers a welcoming space for everyone.

Our Services

  • Upper Body Workout for Women: We understand the unique fitness needs of women. Our gym offers specialized upper body workouts tailored for women, focusing on strength, toning, and endurance.

  • Gym Weights: Our facility is stocked with a range of gym weights suitable for all levels of fitness. From light dumbbells to heavy barbells, you can find the right weights to meet your strength training goals.

  • Fitness Room: Our fitness room is designed to create an optimal workout environment. It's spacious, well-ventilated, and equipped with modern fitness equipment.

  • Workout for Abs: Looking to strengthen your core? Our workout routines for abs are designed by professional trainers to help you achieve a stronger, leaner midsection.

Why Choose Slammers Training Academy?

  • Personalized Training: Our skilled trainers provide personalized guidance to help you reach your fitness goals, whether you're aiming to lose weight, gain muscle, or improve overall health.

  • Modern Facility: Our gym is outfitted with the latest fitness equipment, ensuring a top-notch workout experience.

  • Supportive Community: Slammers Training Academy is more than a gym; it's a community where members support and motivate each other on their fitness journey.

  • Convenient Location: Easily accessible in Libertyville, our gym is conveniently located for residents and visitors alike.

Visit Us Today

If you’re in Libertyville and looking for a gym that caters to all your fitness needs, visit Slammers Training Academy at 28427 Ballard Dr, IL 60048. Our friendly staff and professional trainers are ready to assist you in your fitness journey.

Contact Us

For more information about our services, membership options, or to schedule a visit, please call us at +1-847-816-6572. Our team is always here to answer your questions and guide you through our fitness offerings.


Slammers Training Academy is dedicated to providing an exceptional fitness experience in Libertyville. With our personalized training programs, modern facilities, and a supportive community, we are here to help you achieve your fitness goals. Join us today and start your journey to a healthier, fitter you!