About the Business

SL Lounge is a nightclub located in Queens, New York. They have been in business for over 20 years and are known for their upscale atmosphere and high-energy parties.

SL Lounge is located at 40-15 Warren St, Queens, New York. You can call them at +1-718-457-3966 to make a reservation.

The club has a capacity of 500 people and features a large dance floor, a VIP section, and a bar. The music at SL Lounge ranges from hip hop to EDM, and there are always live DJs spinning the latest tracks.

The club is open Friday and Saturday nights from 10pm to 4am. Admission is $20 for men and $10 for women.

SL Lounge is a popular spot for both locals and tourists alike. It is a great place to go for a night out dancing and partying.

Here are some of the things that make SL Lounge unique:

  • Upscale atmosphere: SL Lounge has a luxurious and elegant interior that makes it feel like a high-end club.
  • High-energy parties: SL Lounge is known for its wild and energetic parties that go late into the night.
  • Top-notch DJs: SL Lounge features some of the best DJs in the city who spin the latest tracks.
  • VIP section: SL Lounge has a VIP section where guests can enjoy bottle service and a more exclusive experience.

If you are looking for a nightclub in Queens, then SL Lounge is the perfect place for you. They offer a luxurious atmosphere, high-energy parties, and top-notch DJs.