About the Business

Shriners Gym: Your Destination for Fitness Excellence in St. Louis

Welcome to Shriners Gym, located at 12545 Fee Fee Rd, St. Louis, MO 63146. Contact us at +1-314-769-2255 to embark on your fitness journey.

Embrace a Holistic Fitness Experience

Shriners Gym is not just a gym; it's a community dedicated to improving health and wellness through a variety of fitness activities.

Bodyweight Leg Workout: Build Strength and Stamina

Our 'Bodyweight Leg Workout' program is designed to tone and strengthen your lower body without the need for heavy equipment.

Focus on Quad Muscles: Sculpting Your Lower Body

Our specialized workouts target the 'Quad Muscles,' ensuring a balanced and effective lower body routine.

Dance Fitness: Fun, Energetic, and Effective

Join our 'Dance Fitness' classes for a high-energy workout that combines fitness and fun in a vibrant, welcoming atmosphere.

Gymnation: A Community of Fitness Enthusiasts

At 'Gymnation,' our focus is on building a supportive community where everyone, regardless of fitness level, feels motivated and encouraged.

Why Choose Shriners Gym in St. Louis?

  • Comprehensive 'Fitness and Gym' facility
  • Specialized 'Bodyweight Leg Workout' programs
  • Focused training on 'Quad Muscles'
  • Engaging 'Dance Fitness' sessions
  • Inclusive and supportive 'Gymnation'

Unmatched Fitness Programs

Our gym offers a range of programs to meet all your fitness needs. Whether it's strength training, cardio, or flexibility, we have you covered.

Bodyweight Leg Workout: No Equipment, No Problem

Our 'Bodyweight Leg Workout' is perfect for those who prefer a minimalist approach to fitness, focusing on natural body movements.

Quad Muscles: The Powerhouse of Your Legs

We emphasize strengthening the 'Quad Muscles' for improved performance in sports, daily activities, and overall health.

Dance Fitness: Where Fun Meets Fitness

Our 'Dance Fitness' classes are a hit among members who love to stay fit while grooving to the beat.

Gymnation: Join the Movement

Being part of 'Gymnation' means joining a family that supports and pushes you towards your fitness goals.

Visit Shriners Gym Today

Stop by Shriners Gym at 12545 Fee Fee Rd, St. Louis, MO 63146, for a unique fitness experience.

Contact Shriners Gym for a Fitter You

Reach out to us at +1-314-769-2255 for any queries or to join our fitness programs. Shriners Gym is where your fitness transformation begins.

Shriners Gym: Revolutionizing Fitness in St. Louis

Join us at Shriners Gym and discover why we're the leading choice for 'Fitness and Gym,' 'Bodyweight Leg Workout,' 'Quad Muscles,' 'Dance Fitness,' and 'Gymnation' in St. Louis. Your fitness journey starts here!