QC Kinetix (ENC Greenville)
About the Business
If you're looking for non-surgical care for your joints, we can help. Our biological therapies are a perfect solution for anyone seeking alternatives to surgical procedures for pain. QC Kinetix (ENC Greenville) offers treatments for knee replacement alternatives, knee surgical procedures alternatives, hip surgical procedures alternatives, Greenville hip replacement alternatives, and shoulder pain relief. Our medical provider uses the latest technology in biological therapy to help you regain your mobility and function after an injury or surgical procedure. Our body is a machine. We're all born with an amazing system of joints and other parts that allow us to move, flex, twist, and bend. But sometimes, things go wrong. Even if you don't live with chronic pain, you may have had to deal with joint pain at some point in your life. If you or someone you know has been injured and needs rehabilitation services, contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our medical providers.
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