About the Business

Are you looking for a professional mosquito or tick treatment? Mosquito Authority - Lafayette, LA is here to help. Our team will take care of all of the details, so you won't have to worry about a thing. We'll work hard in order to get rid of these pests as soon as possible, and our flexible options allow us to work at your convenience. We don't just kill mosquitoes. Our mission is to protect you and your family from mosquitoes and the diseases they carry, and we take the trust you place in us very seriously. Our unique, multistep process for mosquito treatment in Lafayette, LA breaks the mosquito life cycle. By identifying and treating habitat, mosquito larvae, and adult mosquitoes, we can eliminate these pests from your yard in no time. We come back every three weeks to keep them away for good. We've been refining our systems for nearly 20 years, so you can count on reliable results.