About the Business

Petro Stopping Center - Your Premier Truck Stop in Kingsland, GA 31548

Welcome to Petro Stopping Center, located at 1105 E King Ave, Kingsland, GA 31548. Our facility is designed to meet all the needs of truckers and travelers alike. We understand the importance of a reliable truck stop in your journey, and we're dedicated to providing top-notch services, whether it's refueling, towing, or diesel repair.

Comprehensive Services at Petro Stopping Center

  1. Truck Stop: Our truck stop is the perfect place to rest and refresh. We offer ample parking space, clean restrooms, and a variety of amenities to make your stop comfortable and convenient.

  2. Tow Trucks Near Me: Unexpected breakdowns can happen, but our tow truck service is ready to assist you. We provide prompt and reliable towing services to ensure your safety and get you back on the road as quickly as possible.

  3. Refueling: We offer high-quality fuel options, including diesel, to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Our refueling stations are designed for easy access and quick service, so you can get back to your journey without delay.

  4. Closest Truck Stop: Located conveniently in Kingsland, GA, we are the closest truck stop for many drivers traveling through the area. Our strategic location makes us an ideal stop for refueling, rest, and essential services.

  5. Diesel Repair Near Me: In need of diesel repair? Our experienced technicians are equipped to handle a wide range of diesel repair services. We strive to provide efficient and effective repairs to minimize your downtime.

Why Choose Petro Stopping Center in Kingsland?

  1. Exceptional Customer Service: Our staff at Petro Stopping Center are committed to providing excellent customer service. We understand the challenges of the road and are here to assist you with a friendly and helpful attitude.

  2. Amenities for Comfort: We offer a variety of amenities to ensure your stop is as comfortable as possible. From dining options to showers and lounges, we have everything you need to relax and rejuvenate.

  3. Convenience Store: Need supplies for your journey? Our on-site convenience store is stocked with a wide range of products, from snacks and drinks to essential travel items.

  4. Maintenance and Repair Services: We understand the importance of vehicle maintenance. Our on-site maintenance and repair services are here to ensure your truck is in top condition for safe travels.

Visit Us Today

For a reliable truck stop experience in Kingsland, GA, look no further than Petro Stopping Center. We are dedicated to meeting the needs of truckers and travelers with our comprehensive services and amenities.

For more information or to inquire about our services, please call us at 1-912-882-3111. We look forward to welcoming you at Petro Stopping Center, 1105 E King Ave, Kingsland, GA 31548 - your one-stop destination for all your trucking needs. Drive in today and experience the difference with Petro Stopping Center!