About the Business

Kay Ghad LLP - North Hollywood's Premier Legal Experts

Welcome to Kay Ghad LLP, located at 6442 Coldwater Canyon Ave Suite 102, North Hollywood, CA 91606 - your trusted source for legal representation and consultation. As a leading law firm specializing in various aspects of civil litigation, our team of skilled attorneys is committed to delivering exceptional legal services to our clients.

About Kay Ghad LLP

Kay Ghad LLP stands out as a beacon of legal expertise in North Hollywood. Our law firm is renowned for its dedication to clients, offering personalized and robust legal solutions. Our team comprises experienced attorneys specializing in civil litigation, ensuring comprehensive legal support for all our clients.

Our Legal Services

  1. Car Accident Lawyer Near Me: If you're involved in a car accident, our expert attorneys are here to help. We provide dedicated legal representation to ensure you receive the compensation and justice you deserve.

  2. Cheap Lawyers: At Kay Ghad LLP, we believe in making quality legal services accessible. Our competitive pricing structure ensures you get affordable yet top-tier legal representation.

  3. Civil Lawyers Near Me: Our team of civil lawyers specializes in handling a range of civil cases. Whether it's a dispute resolution, contract issues, or any civil matter, we are here to provide expert guidance.

  4. Civil Litigation Lawyer: Our civil litigation lawyers are adept at navigating the complexities of litigation. From the initial consultation to courtroom representation, we stand by your side every step of the way.

Why Choose Kay Ghad LLP?

  • Expert Legal Team: Our attorneys bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to every case, ensuring you receive professional and effective legal counsel.

  • Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize our clients' needs and interests, offering personalized legal strategies tailored to your specific situation.

  • Proven Track Record: Our history of successful case outcomes speaks volumes about our commitment to achieving the best results for our clients.

  • Accessible and Supportive: We understand the stress and uncertainty that legal issues can bring. Our team is always accessible and supportive, guiding you through the legal process with clarity and compassion.

Visit or Contact Us

For legal advice or representation in North Hollywood, turn to Kay Ghad LLP. Visit our office at 6442 Coldwater Canyon Ave Suite 102, CA 91606, or call us at +1-213-529-2900 to schedule a consultation. Our attorneys are ready to listen to your concerns and provide the legal support you need.

Whether you're seeking representation for a car accident, require a civil litigation lawyer, or need guidance on any civil matter, Kay Ghad LLP is here to help. Contact us today and let our expertise work for you.