Elite Bee Keeping Supplies
About the Business
We are a buyer of beeswax, any quantity. We will buy your wax or exchange for equipment.
Western AustraliaMedia gallery Elite Bee Keeping Supplies

We are a buyer of beeswax, any quantity. We will buy your wax or exchange for equipment.
Absolutely have a great time visiting Rob. I'm a first time bee keeper and always asking questions. Robs always very patient and explains things well. Excellent range and supply of tools and materials. High quality that lasts a lifetime. I had bought a cheap bee suit online- ebay, from China and within a year it's falling apart. Just cheap and nasty and s total waste of money but Robs bee suits are made to the highest quality. Highly recommended Rob at Elite Bee Keeping Supplies. Warm and friendly, professional business
Beehive Splitting Course
Run by Rob Mc Krill and his off sider Mike.
Five keen novice beekeepers attended a very informative demonstration on splitting beehives at a Bio Security Park.
We watched and assisted Rob in splitting hives, making nucleus hives, house keeping in WSP and full frame boxes.
We cleaned out rogue queen bee cells to prevent swarming.
We rearranged frames and removed older frames. We added sticky frames to restore boxes.
Spotting queens was a challenge.
We doubled the size of some brood boxes.
So much more was absorbed as we actively spent the day working in the hive compound. It was the real thing as Rob worked to set up all the hives for the season.