About the Business

Commercial Truck Repair operates as a first-class truck repair facility. Commercial Truck Repair employs 26 personnel, including 11 technicians , with a 12 bay garage. We process on average, 460 repair orders per month. Over the last 19 years with Mack Trucks, we have maintained a growth rate of 15% per year, with an increased rate of growth over the last two years of 20%.

Commercial Truck Repair earned the title of Regional Finalist in the 2017 Mack Masters competition, after being named Champions of the Canada region. We then went on to represent Canada, at the Mack Masters world competition in Allentown, PA. We have an outstanding team of skilled , trained individuals, that understand how key Uptime is, and Commercial Truck Repair is always willing to go the extra mile. In Cornwall , and the surrounding area.