About the Business

Centex Material Handling is a leading provider of commercial and industrial solutions in the Central Texas area. We're committed to providing businesses with the equipment they need to get their jobs done, and we're proud of the fact that we've been doing this since 2011.
We understand that companies are evolving, which means that the needs of businesses are changing—and our expertise means we can help you evolve with them.
When you work with us, your business will receive step-by-step consultation from our team of experts. From maintenance to upgrades and repairs, we'll take care of all your equipment needs. We'll also perform meticulous inspections of all your business-critical mechanical components—so you never have to worry about whether or not a problem is going unnoticed.
If you need critical upgrades for your overhead cranes, we can provide those too! Our team will also disassemble or reassemble equipment as needed—saving you time and money on both ends of the process.
With our cost-effective solutions and technological know-how, you can be confident knowing that Centex Material Handling has got your back when it comes to keeping things running smoothly at your facility!