About the Business

BetterVet Detroit, Mobile Vet Care is a mobile vet in Detroit offering same-day house calls, digital video consults, and prescription follow-up care to keep your fur babies happy and healthy. We are experienced so that you can enjoy peace of mind. We understand that you want the best for your dog, cat, or puppy, and we do too. That's why we offer complete veterinary services at your home or office in Detroit. Our online appointment booking platform supports our mobile vet practice, ensuring quick and easy scheduling, payments, and record keeping. As a full-service mobile veterinary practice, our mission is to provide clients with exceptional and affordable care for their pets. Whether you need a quick video consultation or an at-home visit for cats, dogs, and other small animals, we bring the vet to you. Our digital platform will connect you with your veterinarian for online requisitions and medical advice anytime.